About COR pumps

COR pump technology in positive displacement machines

Pumps generally divided into hydrostatic and hydrodynamic. Hydro dynamical pumps operate on a hydrodynamic physical process in which there are pressure and energy changes in the proportional square of the speed of the rotor.  Hydrostatic pumps (also known as positive displacement pumps) increase and decrease volume of the pump chamber during operating cycle. 

Target properties of hydrostatic pumps 

  • Stable efficiency in wide working area (over different flow or pressure) with low noise emissions
  • High reliability at high mechanical and/or thermal loads
  • Small size and weight, low price, easy assembly and servicing
  • Possibility of integration with control devices (pressure, flow, temperature sensors)
  • Possibility of operating over wide viscosity range of liquids 
  • Low pulsation of pressure and flow.